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scientific forecasting中文是什么意思

用"scientific forecasting"造句"scientific forecasting"怎么读"scientific forecasting" in a sentence


  • 科技预测


  • I know one trader who follows scientific forecasting and makes a success
  • It hopes that this thesis can help our house developers to carry more precise quantitative analysis and scientific forecast so that improving their competition power
  • The research of this paper includes three parts : the first , according to the statistical figures about the cargo transport in recent years , it analyzes cargo transport structure and the changing law and the internal reason of cargo transport . at the same time it analyzes and calculates the change of the arriving ships " structure for a systematic and full understand of the transport demands . the second , it make a scientific forecast of the port ' s future cargo capacity making use of the grey forecast system , which provides scientific basis for medium - long term development plan of the port ' s cargo handling capacity
  • This thesis holds that the scientific forecast on the foreground of the urbanization process in china should be based on the correct understanding of the current developing situation . with the urbanization developing phrase theory , we could have a new research perspective to orient china ' s urbanization process , find out the character of the existing developing phrase , especially the existing problems and put up a series of scientific developing countermeasures
  • Fast , swift , polished , mature and professional manufacture system insure the delivery in time effectively . the modern logistics center , quantitative management , secure environment of storage and scientific forecast , right amount of stock in da fengfan headquarters are all in order to get ready for carrying the products to customers in time
  • In order to grasp the main strategy environment factors purposefully and emphatically , when analyzing the outside environment , both factors - - its special railroad profession factor and its key fitting manufacturing trade factor should be considered , and other factors which influence the development of the enterprise in recent periods , especially , those factors which deeply influence the operation of the enterprise now and before , even going on in the future , still should be considered so as to scientific forecast the development tendency towards the future , finding out the opportunity and going forward the challenge
用"scientific forecasting"造句  
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